Nawin Nuthong

    artist & curator
    member of
    Speedy grandma



A room, where they are COEVALs (2021)






_Collab in



  • To whom it may concern. (2018)
  • Intimate politics(2016)




  • Threshold of the Moonkin(2018)




  • The conjunction of self, History & Love of simulation(2019)
  • SUNDUKDIK (2019)
  • BOOOSEUM (2019)
  • Why can’t we talk to magic tree(2018)
  • The Mountain Climber(2018)
  • Brift LORE 2 begin(2)
  • Wrold Wordl World(2016)


︎.     ︎


  • Speedy grandma (2019+)
  • Booseum (2019+)
  • Wrold Wordl World(2016)



Curiousity and Hope (2023+++)

︎︎︎Aleaf Sketch, Study work (2023)

Curiousity and Hope (2023+++)
is a process of research and material study, the process start from Aleaf Sketch(2023) the drawing that i made to speculate Aluminium and wood installation that  installed on the Aleaf(2023) at BACC site, which seeing the sculptures as Reflector and Shadow maker from the LED wall light source, The content of the research follow the question from Aleaf(2023) about how notion of history different in various generation, from that topic i pick up the word  “ Half-leaf  Democracy “ that are the word that used in the discription of Thai politic from 1980 to 2024,

    On the present time in the middle of 2023 it the end of Millitant Goverment that place after a Coup for 8 years, now 2024 we end up got Goverement that mixed with all ideal Conservative party ,Liberal party and Millitant party share their seat in the Government just to kick out the new Left off the seat. The point is Politic Party that use to portray and symbolize ideology got crash and now The Compass got split and flux the notion of mundane Activistism get in our hand to practice our discource.

Curiousity and Hope is literally  the aspect of mine as a cultural practiontioner to speculate the possibility of Cultural Platform in the progressing world. which start by asking an poetic approach does how Curiosity and Hope as two birds flying in the fleet with the wind(?)

︎︎︎ 1,2,3 , Study work (2024)

clarify the attitude(?) , scouting it relation (?) , see how it intereat(?)
︎︎︎Half leave Studie work (2023)

“ประชาธิปไตยครึ่งใบ” which translate to Half-leaf  Democracy, Is how we call our system of politic that in each period of government Democracy need to negotiate other half to stay assist.

“2 second before revolution in a leaf “ speculating how that leaf feel by curious and hope the next period would be.

︎︎︎poster of 2 second before Revolution in a leaf at (2024)S.E.A FOCUS 2024, Singapore Art Musuem, Singapore
- The first exibhit of Hope&Curiousity’s work

︎︎︎Studie work of the “School play”Story (2023)


︎︎︎Many Magnifying (2024)
:Many Magnifying gif and writing work as the discription of “2 second efore revolution in a leaf”

Far far away, away from the Capital.

away in the Forest.

A group of Kindergartners with a magnifying glass run around in the meadow.

They're looking through different leaves.

They found that the leaf has many floors that fill with many rooms.

They all decide to stack the magnifying glass for a closer look.

They’re seeing different funny characters rehearing in loops by different gestures.

“Don’t they get tired?” one kid asked

“They might be continuing it for something? ” said other kid

“They must be waiting” another kid replied

“waiting didn’t last forever”said one kid

They all continue murmuring…


︎︎︎Element of “2 second before Revolution in a leaf (2024)”

︎︎︎Element of “Empty Tomb (2024)”

︎︎︎Studie work (2024)”
︎︎︎Studie work (2024)”
